Friday, 25 November 2011

#77: Boxing

'And Boris "The Speckled Moorhen" Chudley
is eating fists with the tragic compulsion
of a fat divorcee! Ooh! A one-two combo
to the livid congolmeration of living meat
he has the temerity to characterise as a face!
I can't see this fight ending in anything
but one man patting a puddle of gut putty
and collective repressed trauma so monstrous
that it can only be identified by its dental records,
wouldn't you agree, Largo?'

'Yes Phil, I - but what's this? Chudley is fighting back!
He's pounding Carlo "The Green Baize Card Table" Mountebank
so soundly that he's sculpted him into an entirely new person!
In fact I'd say his original opponent no longer exists!
And there's the bell for the round.'

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